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Alder Grove Charter School

Supporting Personalized Learning and Parental Choice in Education

8th Street Mural

Alder Grove's Mural on 8th Street

Come watch Mir and her artist friends create!
Alder Grove's Mural on 8th Street

Day 1. Mural primer is sprayed on.
Day 2. Mural basecoat added.

Day 1. Entire wall along 8th Street, 18' high and 100' wide gets primed.

Day 2. Primed wall is ready for basecoat, a beautiful peach for the top of the landscape.

mural day 3 all background colors applied
Day 2: all background colors are applied
day 4 artists are named
day 4 mushrooms grow into the mural
Day 3: Mushrooms grow into the mural.